''' <summary>将ip地址转换为int</summary>
Shared Function m_ip2int(ByVal ads As String) As Integer
Dim ret As Integer = 0, b As Integer = 0
Dim mc As Match = Regex.Match(ads, "(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)")
If Not mc.Success Then Return 0
For i As Integer = 1 To 4
ret <<= 8
b = mc.Groups(i).Value
If b > Byte.MaxValue Then Return 0
ret += b
Return ret
End Function
Shared Function m_ip2int(ByVal ads As IPAddress) As Integer
Dim bs As Byte() = ads.GetAddressBytes
If bs.Length <> 4 Then Return 0
Dim ret As Integer = 0
For Each i As Byte In bs
ret <<= 8
ret += i
Return ret
End Function
''' <summary>将int转换为ip地址</summary>
Shared Function m_int2ip(ByVal ip As Integer) As String
Dim ret(3) As Byte
Dim b As Integer = 255
For i As Integer = 0 To 3
ret(i) = ip And b
ip >>= 8
Return String.Format("{3}.{2}.{1}.{0}", ret(0), ret(1), ret(2), ret(3))
End Function
''' <summary>将ip地址转换为uint</summary>
Shared Function m_ip2uint(ByVal ip As String) As UInteger
Dim bs As Byte() = IPAddress.Parse(ip).GetAddressBytes
Return CUInt(bs(3)) + (CUInt(bs(2)) << 8) + (CUInt(bs(1)) << 16) + (CUInt(bs(0)) << 24)
End Function
''' <summary>将uint转换为ip地址</summary>
Shared Function m_uint2ip(ByVal ip As UInteger) As String
Return New IPAddress(ip).ToString
End Function
''' <summary>将ip地址转换为int</summary>
Shared Function m_IpToUInt(ByVal ip As String) As UInteger
Dim bs As Byte() = IPAddress.Parse(ip).GetAddressBytes
Return CUInt(bs(3)) + (CUInt(bs(2)) << 8) + (CUInt(bs(1)) << 16) + (CUInt(bs(0)) << 24)
End Function
''' <summary>将uint转换为ip地址</summary>
Shared Function m_UIntToIP(ByVal ip As UInteger) As String
Return New IPAddress(ip).ToString
End Function